All about Ethan - Year 3

Friday, March 30, 2007


Ethan gets these scratches from his friend from his childcare centre. This is the 2nd occasion, his friend scratched his neck for the last time.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Burger King @T1

Our little King.
We are at airport to fetch papa. He is coming back from Sydney.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

What Ethan wants

Ethan wants me to take the aeroplane that papa is taking to Sydney. I should have taken the photos earlier, when the sky is still bright.

This is papa's boarding gate.

Grown up darling

Times flies, he looks so mature now...

i like this pic very much.

Ethan is sitting on papa's luggage. We are ready to send papa off to Sydney.

This is the forklift that papa bought for him as christmas present.